Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Shalom from Israel

Did I mention that I have been to Israel? Well, I have. I went with my father on a trip when I was nineteen. I think it was supposed to help me settle down and get serious about life. I'm not sure if it worked; sorry, Dad. But I loved Israel enough to go back as a student at the BYU Jerusalem center. (Thanks for that one also, Dad.) I am back in the Holy Land for a third time. I'm here with my brothers and sisters and our spouses, and of course dear old mom and dad. We arrived at the Sea of Galilee last night. It is the land of milk and honey. (And sesame bread, falafels, roasted peppers, and cucumbers.) I'm taking lots and lots of pictures, and not just of the food this time.
I want to post those pictures, I really do. But I've been navigating blogher in Hebrew and I think I might be at my patience limit. I'm still trying, so if I succeed that means I remember more of Hebrew class than I thought. I hope Dad will be proud.
Petra, Jordan is where we have been for the last two days. This is where we rode donkeys, camels, horses and buggies. And walked, and walked, and walked. I have blisters and sore calves to prove it. 1000 steps to monastery, plus 6 or so miles there and back. But who notices when you are with family. I can't stop laughing, which only proves that I can't get serious anywhere in the world. Sorry again Dad. I'm going to keep you posted, gentle readers. Tonight we are going on a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee and dinner begins now. Be back tomorrow with any luck. Shalom!
PS The bad news: My sister Heidi has had no end of trouble. The tour company cancelled her flights and lost her luggage. She's going on four days with no stuff.
More bad news: My niece Bella broke her foot with the kind babysitter. Poor little sweetie-pie. West threw up in his sleep and poor Oma had to clean it up. Thank you, Oma.
Good News: We had a birthday party for Uncle Mark last night. Heidi's luggage should be here tonight. Bella is going to get a green cast tomorrow. West feels fine and Oma is the kindest nurse a person could ever want.


  1. I am so happy for you! We just got back from a week in Nauvoo and I was in Israel a few years ago for 11 days and it was the best trip I have ever taken! I love love the people there and what a feeling to walk where Jesus walked! I am staying tuned! :D

  2. Sorry for the little things gone wrong :(
    But all in all, I'll pray that you and your family have a fantastic trip making wonderful memories! CAn't wait to hear and see more of your awesome trip!

  3. How wonderful it all sounds (well of course, not the throwing up, lost luggage, broken foot bit). Have a wonderful time. Shalom to you!

  4. Oh my gosh! I can't keep telling you how thankful I am that you're posting. It sounds like quite an adventure. I'm so sorry to hear about Bella. I'm sure that isI hard for Mary. I would feel the same-at least until I rode a donkey, a camel, or on a boat, or starting laughing with my sisters :) Bummer about West too, but I'm sure he is well taken care if by his Grandma.

    Have fun! Tell my Mom and Mark hello!

  5. I am so excited to see pictures and posts. I thought I would just have to curl up and be lonely for your blog for two weeks. I am glad you are having lots of laughs. Sorry about the not so funny stuff, too.

    I had lost luggage in CA once, and thank goodness I was with my sisters so I had plenty of people to borrow from, but still, not fun! Sorry the kids are falling apart back home as well, but it sounds like they have all been left in good hands.

  6. What a fun trip! Although I'm sure the Renouf gang could go on a worm picking hunt in the Dakotas and have a blast. I love that you get to go on great trips with your fam! Renouf envy strikes again!

  7. I'm with Tanji. But so glad you are posting. I keep thinking about you and wondering what you guys are doing. The pita in Israel is one of the best things I have EVER tasted. I miss that place like crazy and would love to take my loved ones there to experience it. Have a great trip. Hope Heidi's stuff is there soon and everyone at home hangs in there.:)

  8. Welcome back. My sister went on a BYU study abroad to Israel. What years were you there??

  9. Wiley fam,
    5 of us did the study abroad at different times during the 90s. I was there in 91.

  10. Must be an experience. I would love to go there. I just came across your blog and enjoyed what I read of it. Visit when you have time. Have a laughing good time and enjoy. Blessings.
