This is why we didn't leave for vacation on Wednesday.

We wanted to be sure our West could make it to his last fencing class. He wakes up happy on Tuesdays, knowing that before nightfall, he will be lunging, thrusting, and bravely jabbing epees at his giant opponents.

After years of light saber play, it's good to see him turn his boyish interest into a legitimate talent. Since there will be no more fencing class until September, I brought along my camera to catch my young Jedi in action. I've appreciated the patience and kindness of the other fencers, who call him buddy and tousle his hair, just like I do. He's the youngest in his class by at least five years, and by a few decades in some cases.

He can be irksome, fidgety, and pesty, I know. But he can also be loveable, kind-hearted and incredibly focused, if only in spurts. So, imagine my surprise when West received a trophy for second place on the electrical equipment. He looked very noble and serious when he arose to receive the honor,

followed by other fencers who also received trophies, ribbons, and certificates. At the end of the ceremony, there was still one tall trophy left on the table. The fencing master rose and explained that the last trophy was a special award presented to the most valuable fencer in class. I'm not sure who was the most shocked when our young charge's name was called. It's a tingly tie between me, the Quiet Man, and West himself. I don't really believe he deserved it. He's getting to be a good fencer; it's true, but it doesn't hurt that he's the smallest in the class. His fencing master told the others in his regal French accent, "You see
thees boy? In three years,
thees leettle boy will beat all of you!"

I hope so, because that would mean in three years that he would still be fencing. Even if he didn't really deserve it, I'm awfully proud of him. In any case, West was flying high from all the hulaballoo and wanted to race home to tell his Grandpa all about it.

If anything good ever happens for you, my dad is the guy you want to tell. He makes you feel like he already believed it about you anyway, that he was just waiting for everyone else to figure it out. Oh, the men in my life; how I love them!
The next morning, West reluctantly bid his trophies good-bye, and we caught a plane to Providence, Rhode Island. We've been bumping around the gorgeous steeple-lined city, and also Newport where we ambled along the stunning cliff paths on the Mansion Walk. We're spending the weekend in Boston (first stop, Pizzeria Regina). Pictures, recipes, stories, and irrelevant minutia to come. Have a great weekend everybody.

Next Up:
Best Ever Lemon Blueberry Muffins