Oy, what a week I'm having. I've been substituting a few extra classes at the college for a colleague who had a son graduating from Princeton. Some people will use any mundane excuse for a day off. I've also been at girl's camp, where I'm no longer a girl, but a leader of girls, so I have mind my ps and qs. (I apparently left a questionable legacy in some parts of southern California for my behavior at girl's camp. This is why I had to marry someone as far removed as upstate NY.) But I still liked it. Besides, there are no safe pranks anymore, are there? This generation can't even crank call, for pete's sake. And a neighborhood boy almost got sent to juvy for ding dong ditch. Don't even try to raise a bra up a flagpole, or they'll call in the FBI.
So anyway, this has been a busy week. (I'm still waiting for a slow-moving, boring week.) Plus I've got my sister laid up on bedrest, and another sister visiting with her six children, and my own charges who yearn obsessively every moment that they are separated from their cousins. It's kind of handy. Still, I feel sorry for any relative who passes through town; they end up having to babysit for me and generally pick up some of the slack that perpetually overflows from my crammed full life. So by all means come for a visit, but don't say I didn't warn you.
On the bright side, my payback is edible. I'll reciprocate with dinner. Like this for example, that I made last week for a different visiting sister with her four kids. (Don't try to keep track of my mammoth family. One of these days I'm going to post a family tree instead of recipes.) I saw this southwest stunner years ago as a quick dinner party idea from Bon Appetit. I only read the recipe once so I have no idea how close mine is to their original recipe, but I'm surrendering credit just in case. Hubba hubba. I could eat this all summer, and if I do I won't have much left to blog about. It's so fast, you could be eating these babies yourself in about 35 minutes. And since so many of you are pregnant, that gives you plenty of time to make them before your real babies arrive. Have a fantastic weekend, everybody.
Money Saving Tips:
Look for a good deal on chicken breasts and stock them in your freezer. You can make extra spice rub to keep for about a month in the cupboard. Chop your own cabbage or lettuce in place of the bagged coleslaw. Hit up a gardening neighbor for free peppers and zuchinni, or better yet, plant some yourself.

Spiced Rubbed Grilled Chicken and Vegetable Tacos
Spiced Rubbed Grilled Chicken and Vegetable Tacos
Estimated Cost: $10.00
1/3 cup brown sugar
2 tablespoons chili powder
1 tablespoon paprika
1 tablespoon cumin
2 teaspoons salt
2 teaspoons pepper
1 lb. boneless, skinless chicken
1 lb. boneless, skinless chicken
1 zuchinni, sliced lengthwise into 1/4 inch thick slices
1 red bell pepper, halved, stemmed and seeded
10 to 12 corn tortillas
1 tablespoon butter
1 10 ounce package cole slaw mix
1 bunch cilantro
juice of 2 limes
2 tablespoons olive oil
shredded cheese, optional but yummy
Preheat grill for medium hot cooking. Combine spice mixture in small bowl. Brush chicken and vegetables lightly with a small amount of olive oil or coat them with olive oil cooking spray. Rub with spice mixture. Meanwhile, spread tortillas lightly with butter and wrap them in a foil bundle and place away from direct heat on the grill to warm.Grill vegetables until softened and tender, about 8 minutes for the zuchinni, 15 minutes for the bell pepper, and grill the chicken until no longer pink, about 8 minutes per side for chicken breasts. Slice veggies and chicken into strips. Combine cole slaw mix, cilantro, lime juice and olive oil in a small bowl. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
Up Next:
My friend Michal's Whole Wheat Bread
Mmm tasty! I bet the roasting of the veggies in addition to the chicken adds so much extra taste!
Auntie Prudy I love cabbage and chicken! My two favorite combinations! I'm so glad you posted this! I'm sure this will be a summer staple!
I love these roasted vegetables! You made them for me once and believe it or not but I wanted the zucchini more than the chicken. A shocking fact I know from a carnivore like myself but there it is. I can't wait to make these. They look delicious but they also look wonderful since I don't have to stand over a hot stove. My husband may have to stand over a hot grill but I know he'll think this meal is worth it. Thanks Prudy!
I remember when you first made these. They were so delicious and everyone loved them. Now I'm pining for them. Maybe you could uh . . . Never mind Prudy . . . You've done enough. =)
You are one of the busiest ladies I know! Always coming and going I don't know how you manage to even get in the kitchen :)
I have a head of cabbage in the garden to cut right now. I'll have to buy the or borrow the other veggies. Love soft taco's. Great recipe.
Slow down.
I'm loving this recipe! Mmmmm...good. Thanks for sharing. If you don't mind, I'd love to direct Foodista readers to your blog. Just add your choice of widget to this post and you're all set!
Those tacos look like perfect summer food! Hope things slow down a bit for you soon!
Oh gosh, those look fabulous Erin!! I just love Tex Mex food. Your grilled veggies look wonderfully delicious!
This is your cousin Rox! Just a note to say Howdy from Texas. Your page looks awesome and I'll to remember to share my special Banana Bread recipe :)
This is one of my favorite recipes -- in fact, I just made it the other night. How fun to see it here! The original also includes a chipotle sour cream (awesome, but it totally invites excessive sour cream consumption!)I've also made a crockpot variation with oven roasted vegetables -- a pretty good substitute when an Arizona monsoon tanks the barbecue plans.
oh, prudy, these look so fabulous. sounds like you are crazy busy as usual. you are always able to fit more things into your life than three other reasonably capable women could combined. i've always harbored a hunch that you don't actually require sleep.:)
wish that i were one of your visitors.
I made these last night--FABULOUS. Really, really good, really, really easy, really, really economical. Great recipe.
I compared your recipe to Bon Appetit's. I like yours much, much better. I do think the chipotle cream might be good, I think I'll try that next time with them.
Love the cabbage mix, I've never done that before with chicken tacos. The tip about buttering the tortillas and heating them on the grill made them delicious.
Thanks so much for the feedback. I'm THRILLED that you liked them!
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